
August 10, 2021 Digitalisation

DTHub: OpenFlows WaterSight

DTHub theme: Operational digital solutions

The challenge

Manaus is the capital and largest city of the Brazilian state of Amazonas, situated in the Amazon Rainforest and isolated from other main cities. The position and geography of the city create a challenge for water providers. , the largest private sanitation company in Brazil, has started to operate with the aim of providing good quality water services, improve asset management decisions and optimise operational activities (including leakage detection).

Pilot summary

combines SCADA, GIS, hydraulic modeling, and customer information into a single, interoperable dashboard. Access to cloud-based insights from various enterprise sources delivers a utility-wide view into the detection of critical system and individual asset performance information, enabling more efficient operations and maintenance planning decisions.

Year started: 2021

Deployment scale: Pilot in Manaus city (Brazil) РDistrict Metered Area Ṣo Jorge with 10 000 customers and 61.4 km of network


Lessons learned and outcomes

  1. Data stored in different systems (GIS, billings, SCADA, models) can be effectively integrated into one single platform to provide additional insights (water balances, pumps efficiency, tanks performance, forecasts, among others) and contributing to improve operational workflows.
  2. Hydraulic Models were mostly being used at the Engineering department, but the solution demonstrated that Engineering Hydraulic Models can be easily and successfully deployed for daily operations purposes. Some use cases include the simulation of network events such as pipe breaks, pump shutdowns, valves operations, and fires to better understand and anticipate the impacts on service levels.
  3. Awareness and response times to network events were reduced with the support of the real-time simulation and automatic events generation capabilities

End users contacts

Klaus Paz, Klaus.paz@aegea.com.br, Innovation Manager, Aegea Saneamento

Lais Regis Salvino, lais.salvino@aegea.com.br, Engineer Project Manager, Aegea Saneamento

Jessica Candeia de Andrade Pinheiro, jessica.pinheiro@aegea.com.br, Operation Engineer, Manaus Ambiental

Additional contacts:

Miguel Soares, miguel.soares@bentley.com, Product Manager, Water Industry Solutions, Bentley Systems

Additional information:

  • To know more about Bentley OpenFlows WaterSight,
  • To learn more about Aegea,